Thursday, November 3, 2016

Time Lapse Photography and My New Digital Timer Remote

           So, I mentioned in my previous post that I was going to buy a digital Timer Remote for my camera. Well, I did, and it just got here today.
           I woke up feeling quite excited because I was expecting the Timer Remote to get here today, but I actually got up with the package already waiting in my from door, which was nice, by the way, because I could start getting used to it right away and start shooting some pictures. The one I got could be better, but I can't complain either because it serves its purpose.
           I got the Neewer Digital Timer Remote from Amazon for my Canon T2i camera, it works, I cannot say otherwise, but it was a little complicated to decipher how it worked in the very beggining. All of the setting were a little confusing and, in fact, I understood everything the wrong way around. After I had everything set up for a test shooting and clicked the start button, nothing happened. Just one shot and then nothing else. I had to actually go to Youtube and look for a tutorial explaining how this timer worked. To my surprise, I was not the only one trying to understand how this device worked.
            In the end, I can just say that it was not as complicated as I thought it would be. After seeing that my camera only shot one and then never again I started to worry that I had to probably change some settings in the actual camera, but luckily it was not that way. The timer just had some really misleading settings, For example, one of them is "How Long", and you would probably expect it to mean "How long are you going to be shooting". Taking that last statement for granted, I just went in there and set it up for two hours. Well, turns out that the "How Long" actually means how long is the shot going to last when shooting in Bulb mode in the camera. This information will be quite interesting in the future... but not quite for now. I wanted to know exactly how to set the camera for a test shooting, and shooting in Bulb mode seems like a long and tedious shooting time. The Youtube explaining the Neewer Timer Remote actually recommended setting the device with none of that configuration and just skip it. Well, that's what i did.
           One of the sad things about this device is that it can only be set up to shoot up to 399 frames and people already used to Time Lapse photography will understand that that is not much after the shots are translated into a video format. Well, that Youtube video actually saved my day. Turns out that the device has another option in there with to datelines (--). What that means it that the timer will be programmed to shoot for an infinite amount of time. The only thing to take into consideration with this setting is that you will probably have to know when you actually want to end the shooting and s tart working in post production.

          All right there, I will go back and work on some other Time Lapse videos. I hope this gets better! I was starting to get tired of the manual shooting. Somehow I have a feeling that this Digital Timer Remote will become my best friend this couple of days.

I'll see you tomorrow for another post!

Miguel Urrutia

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